"The better part of one's life consists of his friendships."
- Abraham Lincoln
In the past week, I've had the joy of being with two of my "old" friends, and also meeting a new friend. I'm the type of person that HAS to have friends. I've found that to be more true the longer I live! Anyway, pictured above is me and my new friend, Christine! I actually made her acquaintance through my old friend, Lanee'. One Sunday, a few months back, Lanee' called and said "I've met a girl on our road that has PPCM." As she told me about Christine, I realized I had found someone that I could talk to. She is close to my age, a Mom to three, and was diagnosed right after the birth of her youngest. We emailed for some time, and then got to meet each other for the first time at Brianna's birthday party. What a joy! We found out after talking that Caleb and Abagail were both 15 mo. old. Here's the interesting twist...they both were born on April 20th.
Her oldest girl Megan and Lauren became fast friends! They are not quite a year apart in age. Megan shares my Mom's birthday!
"A friend is one who walks in when others walk out"
And here I am with my dear friend Lanee". We became friends while I was expecting with Lauren. I'm still not sure if I'm happy or sad that she broke the "Nancy-Lanee" spell. And what exactly is that? Well, this is how ours lives have coincided. Chris and I were married in June "97. She and Aaron in July '98. I had Lauren in July 2000. Brianna was born in July 2001. Michael came along in June '02 and Logan was born in Aug. '03. I lost my m-i-l to cancer just 3 years ago. She lost her m-i-l to cancer just 2 years ago. I had Caleb in April 2006 and a few months later I learned she was expecting again. I was pretty certain she would have a boy....but alas...she had to go and break the spell! Danielle was born on July 2nd this summer. It's been lots of fun sharing these memories together.
"Life is partly what we make it, and partly what is made by the friends whom we choose."
- Tehyi Hsieh
This is my friend Rebecca who I was able to spend the day with after not seeing each other for almost 3 years! We manage to stay in touch mostly by phone. and it seems every time we see each other, we just pick up where we left off. We have been friends since I was around 13 or 14. We were in each others' weddings, and have shared many memories, happy and sad, over the years. In talking together this last time, we realized that since neither of us had a sister, maybe we fulfill that role for each other. I can't say for sure because I've never had a sister, but if I could choose one, it probably would be Rebecca!!
Rebecca and her little doll, Kaitlyn! She is 7 mo. old. The jumper she's wearing used to belong to Lauren. I almost have a hard time believing MY little girl used to wear that! It's such a joy though, to see her with her little girl. After 3 boys, she finally has a girl.
."Piglet sidled up behind Pooh. "Pooh," he whispered. "Yes, Piglet?" "Nothing," said Piglet, taking Pooh's paw. "I just wanted to be sure of you."
- Winnie-the-Pooh
Although there are other close friends that deserve mention, just know I treasure you all very much! It's also been a blessing to have great sister-in-laws who just happen to be my friends too!. Just want you to know, even if we weren't related, I'd still choose you for my friends!
Hope you all have a WONDERFUL day!